Contact: Ioannis V. Vassiliadis, MD
Consultant Cardiologist Address: A.Tsocha 18-20, 11521 Athens,Greece Office Phone: +30 210 641-1000 Fax: +30 210 645-5083 Mobile: +30 6944 576603 Email: |
Curriculum Vitae |
Dr. Ioannis V. Vassiliadis, M.D., Ph.D, FESC, FACC, FASNC
Consultant Cardiologist, Cardiac Dept. and Nuclear Medicine Euroclinic Athens
Clinical activities: Adult Cardiology, Non-invasive Imaging
(Nuclear Cardiology, Echocardiography, CT Angiography, Cardiac MRI)
Participation in Expert Groups
Invited Lecturer:
Professional Societies
PUBLICATIONS (selectively)
1. Shortened aortic ejection period with consequent apparent early diastolic murmur in Mitral Valve Prolapse Am Heart J. 1982.
2. On the explanation of the m-mode echocardiographic image of an atrial myxoma. European Heart Journal ; 6:865-869, 1985
3. Rupture of pericardium, presenting as post pericardial trauma syndrome late after blunt chest trauma in a patient with congenita aneurysm of sinus of Vasalva. Clin. Cardiol.; 9:467, 1986
4. Efficacy of perindropril in reduction of cardiovascular events among patients with stable coronary artery disease: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial (the EUROPA study Investigator). Lancet 2003; 362-88
5. Propafenone in the prevention of non-ventricular Arrhythmias associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndromes. Int. Journal of Cardiology ,1990 Temporary pacing using a new streerable balloon tipped pacing catheter. Cath. and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 21: 198-202, 1990.
6. The steerable angiographic catheter: A useful tool for subselective angiography of anomalous coronary arteries. Journal of Invasive Cardiology 5: 358-364, 1993
7. Detecting silent ischemia during daily activities in patients with coronary artery disease by the Nuclear VEST. Journal of Nuclear Biology and Medicine Vol 37:4 1994.
8. Mental stress-induced silent myocardial ischemia detected during ambulatory ventricular function monitoring. International Journal of Cardiac Imaging.2: 4, 1998 .
9. Exercise-induced myocardial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease with and without angina. Am. Heart J. 1991.
10. Exercise-induced Myocarsial Perfusion Abnormalities in Sickle β-Thalassemia: Tc-99m Tetrofosmin Gated SPECT Imaging Study. Am J Med. 2001;
11. Tumor extending through inferior vena cava into the right atrium. A late recurrence of renal cell carcinoma. Int. J. Cardiovascular Imaging 2003,
12. The regulatory background of Nucler cCardiology in Europe: A survey of the European Council of Nuclear Cardiology. Eur J Nucl Med Mol 2006
13. SPECT/CT Fusion Imaging Integrating Anatomy and Perfusion of the Heart (Editorial) HJC 2010
14. The role of computed tomography coronary angiography (CTA) in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Heart Surgery Forum 2010
Hellenic Journal Cardiology
Hellenic Armed forces medical review
European Cardiology Society
American Society Nuclear Cardiology
1984 : Diplomate, Hellenic Board of Cardiology
1994 : Diplomate, Intensive Care
1984 : Licensure, Commonwealth of Piraeus and Athens
2002 : Diplomate, European Carsiologist
2004 : Diplomate, Certification Board of Nuclear Carrdiology
1988 : Lecturer, Athens University Medical School
Ph. D. THESIS (with distinction)
Emergency Transthoracic pacing with a new developed electrode-catheter. An Experimental study. Athens University School of Medicine, Greece, 1983
Consultant Cardiologist, Cardiac Dept. and Nuclear Medicine Euroclinic Athens
Clinical activities: Adult Cardiology, Non-invasive Imaging
(Nuclear Cardiology, Echocardiography, CT Angiography, Cardiac MRI)
- Responsible for the clinical services as a clinical director of the Cardiology department and consultant in charge at the Nuclear Cardiology lab of the Nuclear Medicine department Co-ordinator , principal investigator and supervisor of research projects.
- Responsible for the Cardiology and Nuclear Cardilogy training of the junior doctors on both sites holding regular teaching sessions in the form of tutorials, academic seminars and journal clubs at the University of Athens
- Organiser of scientific meetings and training sessions in Nuclear Cardiology, lecturing regularly for medical doctors, students, nurses and technical staff.
- Academic Appointments: Lecturer of the University of Athens
- Publications in peer review international medical journals (# 37)
- Presentations in American, European and World Conferences (#55). National ((# 74).
Participation in Expert Groups
- Chairman of the WG Nuc Cardiology and CTA of the HELL.CS
- Senate member of the WG Nuclear Cardiology of the ESC
- National Delegate International Council Nuclear Cardiology
- National Delegate UEMS)
- Board member of the European Council in Nuclear Cardiology (ex)
Invited Lecturer:
- 5th International conference on non invasive Cardiology Tel Aviv, Israel, 1995,
- 3rd Meeting of the Societies of the Southern European and Mediterranean Countries, Estoril, Portugal 1997
- IX Southern symposium on cardiac pacing “cardiac rhythm control in 2004 Taormina Italy, 2004
- Internat Cyprus 2014
Professional Societies
- Past President, Working Group of Nuclear Cardiology
- Board Member, Hellenic Cardiology Society
- Fellow, American College of Cardiology
- Fellow, International College of Angiology
- Fellow, International American Heart Association
- Fellow, European Society of Cardiology
- Member, New York Academy of Science
- Member ,European heart rhythm association
- Member, European association of Echocardiography
- Member, European WG on Nuclear Cardiology and MRI
- Member, International Council of Nuclear Cardiology
- Member, Hellenic WG of Echocardiography
- Member of the ASNC Working Group Committee
PUBLICATIONS (selectively)
1. Shortened aortic ejection period with consequent apparent early diastolic murmur in Mitral Valve Prolapse Am Heart J. 1982.
2. On the explanation of the m-mode echocardiographic image of an atrial myxoma. European Heart Journal ; 6:865-869, 1985
3. Rupture of pericardium, presenting as post pericardial trauma syndrome late after blunt chest trauma in a patient with congenita aneurysm of sinus of Vasalva. Clin. Cardiol.; 9:467, 1986
4. Efficacy of perindropril in reduction of cardiovascular events among patients with stable coronary artery disease: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial (the EUROPA study Investigator). Lancet 2003; 362-88
5. Propafenone in the prevention of non-ventricular Arrhythmias associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndromes. Int. Journal of Cardiology ,1990 Temporary pacing using a new streerable balloon tipped pacing catheter. Cath. and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 21: 198-202, 1990.
6. The steerable angiographic catheter: A useful tool for subselective angiography of anomalous coronary arteries. Journal of Invasive Cardiology 5: 358-364, 1993
7. Detecting silent ischemia during daily activities in patients with coronary artery disease by the Nuclear VEST. Journal of Nuclear Biology and Medicine Vol 37:4 1994.
8. Mental stress-induced silent myocardial ischemia detected during ambulatory ventricular function monitoring. International Journal of Cardiac Imaging.2: 4, 1998 .
9. Exercise-induced myocardial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease with and without angina. Am. Heart J. 1991.
10. Exercise-induced Myocarsial Perfusion Abnormalities in Sickle β-Thalassemia: Tc-99m Tetrofosmin Gated SPECT Imaging Study. Am J Med. 2001;
11. Tumor extending through inferior vena cava into the right atrium. A late recurrence of renal cell carcinoma. Int. J. Cardiovascular Imaging 2003,
12. The regulatory background of Nucler cCardiology in Europe: A survey of the European Council of Nuclear Cardiology. Eur J Nucl Med Mol 2006
13. SPECT/CT Fusion Imaging Integrating Anatomy and Perfusion of the Heart (Editorial) HJC 2010
14. The role of computed tomography coronary angiography (CTA) in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Heart Surgery Forum 2010
- Editorial Board : Editor-in-Chief; Hellenic Hellenic Armed Forces Medical Review
- Editorial Board : International Journal of Cardiac Imaging
Hellenic Journal Cardiology
- Abstract grader : Hellenic Cardiology Society
Hellenic Armed forces medical review
European Cardiology Society
American Society Nuclear Cardiology
1984 : Diplomate, Hellenic Board of Cardiology
1994 : Diplomate, Intensive Care
1984 : Licensure, Commonwealth of Piraeus and Athens
2002 : Diplomate, European Carsiologist
2004 : Diplomate, Certification Board of Nuclear Carrdiology
1988 : Lecturer, Athens University Medical School
- English
- French
- German
Ph. D. THESIS (with distinction)
Emergency Transthoracic pacing with a new developed electrode-catheter. An Experimental study. Athens University School of Medicine, Greece, 1983
- 80 Hellenic Meetings
- 20 International Meetings
- 10 Invited lectures
- 4 Hellenic Trials
- International Trials
- Multicenter Trial on single pass DDD Pacing